Sat 28 Jan 2006
According words I got from friends in Italy, Germans are counted as “potatoe freaks”. No german meal without potatoes and my friends believe, we would even plant them on the balcony.
Potatoes are no regular vegetable for Europe at all. They come from South America and have been planeted since aeons by indians in the Anden (Well … hopefully they are written same way in english…). Spanish Conquestadors and British Sailors brought it to Europe … mostly because of their nice bloms.
Carolus Clusius planted 1589 the first potatoes in Germany. The scholar, physician and scientist organised with his relations with other scientists and rich citizens for the spreading of potatoes. First the potato was held as ornamental plant in gardens. Potatoes have been well known for their cures and have been used in “Grandmas medicine”. For self-supply she was probably planted during the 30-years war in the back gardens of South Germany. As commodity the potatoe is mentioned for the first time 1757 in Frankfurt market reports - the beginning of their commercial use as acted food.
Emphasis of the German cultivation of potato was Prussia. Due to wars and from this resulting emergency its cultivation was intensified. King Friedrich issued the “potato instruction” in 1756, which forced the farmers to the cultivation of the potato. The Prussian per-capita consumption at potatoes is to have amounted to already 1875 120 kilograms.
But what is in our days? The modern Germany is not Prussia - and the wars have finally stopped. In fact the potatoe farmers are crying: Not only according analyses but also in real market the germans do eat less and less potatoes. in 2005 only 66 kg of potatoes went into stomaches of german eaters. only the halve of it in rare form … most allready processed: As “French Fies” (who the hell inveted this name for belgium “Pommes Frittes”?) and other products.
But one thing stays a truth: Even when suffering from wars have stopped - Germans take about 20% of their need of vitamine C from potatoes. A healthy potatoe eating country.
August 3rd, 2006 at 1:46 am
After reading your thing about Germans and their English, I figured I’d mention that it is unfortunately not written ‘Anden’ as it is in German.
English plurals are so easy compared to German ones — everything takes an ’s’ or ‘es’ as the case may be, except for obvious Latin (e.g. spectrum spectra) or Greek (hypothesis hypotheses) borrowings.
August 3rd, 2006 at 2:12 pm
hey … give a hint: How is it written correctly??
December 4th, 2007 at 2:36 pm
Ich hoffe das Ihr nicht nur über Deutsche sprechen könnt sondern auch deutsch versteht.
So eine gequirlte Scheiße wie auf dieser Seite ist mir schon lange nicht mehr untergekommen.
Für eine Kultur die nicht mal 500 Jahre existiert, die die Evolutionstheorie in Frage stellt und meinen sie sind die Einzigen Menschen auf der Welt die was zu sagen haben.
Die wie Kinder immer Cowboy und Indianer spielen falls Ihr das versteht, was ich bezweifel.
Euer Land besteht nur aus Deutschen, Italienern, Spaniern, Portugiesen, Engländern einigen farbigen die mal Eure Sklaven waren und ein paar Indianern die Ihr noch am leben gelassen habt.
Wenn Ihr überhaupt Fremdsprachen könnt dann höchstens Spanisch um sich in Mexiko zu verständigen.
Außerdem seit Ihr ein Entwicklungsland wie Afrika, denn Eure Importe sind größer als die Exporte. Wer will auch diesen Amerikanischen Schrott schon haben.
So nun viel Spaß beim übersetzen wünscht euch einer der 60 Millionen Deutschen in Deutschland.
July 15th, 2008 at 8:13 am
Du bist ‘ne trottel…ganz deppert, gel?! . Du kånnst nett Ernst sei’! Du håst wohl’n Arsch offen! So ‘ne dumme Quatsch hab’ I nooch nie gehört. Wo håst Du diesen gebabble g’lernt? In die Schule? Joa, quark nur weiter, keiner hört hin! Bist D’beknackt?! Um Gottes Willen! Mann, bist Du echt beschlabbert! Du bist ‘ne richtiger Deutscher Schnösel! Dir håt man wohl ins Gehirn g’schißen und vergessen umzurühren, nett wahr? Also, glaubst d’ dåß nett, so ‘ne Prahlhans… und Deitschland håt um 82.5 millyone Eiwuhner. 75 millyone Mensche sinn Deitsche. Sabbeliger Besserwisser!