Wed 15 Feb 2006
One of the common prejudices is that all Germans are overweighed.
If you are an open eyed person, you’ll be aware about the truth. Look around there are a lot of Germans you know. Or is there somebody who will pretend Heidi Klum or Claudia Schiffer as fat.
Of cause there are some Germans which are large, but they are mostly from south Germany, Bavaria. And as Bavarians they are not fat they are “gstandne Mannsbilder”. This is Bavarian and says they are “Real Men”.
Once more I’ve to send back this prejudice to where it comes from. Have a look at this! Nothing more to say about “Who’s Fat”.

July 4th, 2006 at 6:01 pm
So, people from the south of Germany are fatter than from the north? Talking about prejudices, while you’re trying to prove one wrong, you are stating another one. Why should people be fatter in the south, especially Bavaria? Do you have statistics to back that up? Or is it just because they love “Gemütlichkeit” and beer? And certainly not all American girls are fat, your example could have well been the other way round!! In the States there are a lot of very skinny girls, or why do you think they have the size 0?
July 14th, 2006 at 12:28 pm
I life in NRW and I also think that many bavarians are fat. But we in germany have the equal problems with overweight as the americans, cause of Fast Food and lazy life style.
PS: Nice Blog
July 15th, 2006 at 11:03 pm
Just like in the United States, Germany has skinny people and fat people.
However, if I might offer an observation from my side of the ocean. I have met a lot of GIs with German wives - there are so many of them, as a matter of fact, that they have German wives clubs on base. And there’s a stereotype that holds true more often than not - the skinny black soldier with the fat German wife.
I wonder if this is where people get the misconception that all German girls are fat.
July 16th, 2006 at 8:36 pm
same prejudice about americans: i live in munich, where many american tourists come every year. and most of them seem to be overweight (or very sporty). this doesn’t make me think so, that they are all superfat or extremely sporty…
prejudices like that are simply stupid.
and about this thing with the bavarians:
i am bavarian! it’s not true that here are more overweight people/men than in the rest of germany. my uncle for example is in my opinion typical bavarian: he speaks bavarian, loves beer and bavarian food. you might think that he’s fat, because of his lifestyly, but he’s actually pretty skinny.
so this is just bullshit!
fat people are everywhere…
August 9th, 2006 at 2:32 pm
Come on
What are you talking about, dudes? All German girls are fat? Niemals! Or never, like you say. Those people,who believe that…
Did you ever had been in Germany for vacation or work, he? Surely not, or you wont tell bullshit like this. Look at your own girls, only eating burgers and BBQ.
Give me a favor: Stop talking s*** like this. This prejudice is wrong, okay?!!
Deutscher Kämpfer am 09.08.06 aus dem bevölkerungsreichsten Budesland Deutschlands (NRW)
Guten Tag, ihr Amis…
August 10th, 2006 at 7:16 pm
HA! even in youre attempt to show that german girls are more beautifull you unwittingly caputred a more beautifull american girl across from the fat one than the german.
August 24th, 2006 at 7:43 am
I have spent the past month in the northern half of Germany on holidays and rode my bike from Berlin to Cologne. I stopped in many towns on the way. I observed that Germany definitely had a greater proportion of people inside the “healthy” weight range than the USA (where I have visited) or Australia (where I live).
Why? the food portions consumed are less in germany, McDonalds (et al) are frequented less, sugars and carbs are consumed more in the morning, food is less processed and refined, Germans exercise more - not in an organised fashion (gyms) but as part of the process of daily life - they are on their bikes or walk more often as fuel for cars is very expensive in comparison to the USA and Australia.
In my experience, culturally Germans are more likely to be blunt and tell people that they are fat, as a result people are more mindful about keeping trim.
ALSO In my experience - German girls may be more physically attractive than many Australian and USA Girls. But that thin veneer of superiority fades as soon as we get to the personality test. The girls I had the misfortune of coming into contact with in almost every situation whether it be social or being served in a bar or restaurant was awful - pretentious, miserable, acerbic and sometimes downright aggressive and THEY DON’T SMILE. Basically not worth the effort to even bother talking to them.
The friendliest girls in Germany were the ones NOT from Germany - Americans, Canadians, Brits, Irish, Australians, East Asians and so forth. Whether they were fat didn’t matter - I could talk to them and walk away NOT feeling like I had just been mauled by a rottweiler.
Regarding the image that is inspiring passionate debate in the blog, the flag the top was the European Union flag, not the German Flag. People are doctoring this image to suit their own political ends, which is pathetic in it’s own right.
So to conclude, YES German girls are thinner and as a result appear prettier than most girls in US & Australia (and possibly elsewhere). But they are also very rude and unsociable.
What would you prefer? Being in a bar all night full of pretty, but arrogant girls and being ignored the whole time OR taking your chances in the USA or Australia where the girls might not look so hot, but you are guaranteed to meet really nice friendly girls any night of the week and SOME of them are still very attractive.
*** Caveat - I have female friends in Berlin and have met some really nice friends of theirs. BUT if you are going out solo in Germany, don’t expect to meet new people as you would bar hopping or night clubbing in the US, Australia, UK, Ireland or NZ. ***
August 31st, 2006 at 4:46 pm
Hi, I am from Saxony in Germany and here lives the prettiest girls ever in germany.
September 3rd, 2006 at 12:36 am
Ey what a question’s this?
Who cares who might be fat or not?
Well, there might be the case, American people
eat much more fastfood than the Germans do.
But in fact what does that matter???
I’m sure there’s no difference between South and North ‘Deutschland’ or even GER and USA.
Just the will’s important to do sth. against his overweight!
(But the girls from Berlin aren’t bad at all!^^)
September 3rd, 2006 at 12:38 am
and the ones from Bavaria!!!^^
January 26th, 2007 at 6:26 pm
Its quite bizarre that here in the US the rhetoric “Americans are fat” is heard quite frequently.
The grass seems to always be greener on the other side.
March 17th, 2007 at 8:16 pm
It is true,american girls are the fatter of the world,because they kitchen is bad,italian kitchen is the best of the world,infact my body is perfect :):) thanks to costant gym too :D:D:D:
March 17th, 2007 at 8:21 pm
German girls are fantastic….if some of them wants to know me….you can add my e mail address on your messenger :D:D:D:S
March 17th, 2007 at 10:54 pm
German girls are beautiful. And American girls are beautiful (can’t comment on the rest because those are the only two places i’ve been) I have been to Germany and i live in America. There is about an equal ratio to both places. Americans Aren’t all obese. Only a few. Germans Aren’t all skinny. There are overweight people all over the world. And the misconception that Bavarians are fat HA! They aren’t fat they are “gstandne Mannsbilder” or real men! I’ve been to Bavaria and i loved it. Everyone was friendly except for a few italians there. There may have been a few big people there but they weren’t necesarily fat. Just big. Why worry about who is fatter or skinnier.
March 24th, 2007 at 6:20 am
You should work on your English skills before publishing anything, even if it is only a little website. I appreciate that my German writing skills are probably on par with your English, but I’m not about to embarass myself like you have done.
March 24th, 2007 at 1:01 pm
First on all, I have seen people claim that the slim girl in that picture comes from nearly every country in the world - Russia, France, Canada, Australia. So, there is no way of telling which nationality she is. Secondly, and this is a common, yet rarely spoken aloud prejudice, German girls have very slim posteriors. That is to say, the LARGE majority of German women have a very flat butt. “The Curse of the German Flat Ass” as it has been called. The girl in the photo certainly does NOT have a flat but.
Additionally, “Karin” (Comment #4) points out that the Americans visiting Munich are either over weight or very sporty. This is very true. There are two types of Americans, the ones who don’t care about their bodies or what they eat, and the ones who work out all of the time and eat healthy.
April 9th, 2007 at 2:17 pm
Pic above all i have to say. it says alot
Germans rule Hitler sucks
April 17th, 2007 at 8:26 pm
ha ha ha ha. Some of the comments that people left are so ridiculous. My question is what country is dumb and dumber. Also that guy who said the pic speaks for itself must be brainwashed really easily to accept ideologies from a single comparison picture.
April 25th, 2007 at 4:11 am
mi wife’s germany origen and she’s a beautiful woman. I am living in Mexico & all the people see her god
April 25th, 2007 at 5:16 pm
americans are better then germans country in the world
April 29th, 2007 at 10:58 am
From my own experience, there are a lot, a lot, A LOT, of hotties in Germany. Maybe it was just because when I was there I went to clubs and concerts and stuff, and I was pretty focused on the younger girls my age, probably 18-24, though I can’t back that number up really. That was also a face thing, most girls who had tight little bodies, had cute faces too. I have no idea about US women, never been there, although I don’t know why, I’m Canadian, and its right there, lol.
I saw this, though, and I figured I’d check with Eurostats, and some American figures, and what I found was according to the 06/07 yearbook, 31.3% of German women are overweight, and 21.7% are obese, don’t know if overweight includes obesity or what, and it was a little harder to find good up to date info for american obesity and whatnot.
It does say according to NHANES, that 66.3% of americans are overweight or obese, and 32% are obese, according to 03/04 and it says that the “US has the highest prevalence of obesity among the developed nations,” but I couldn’t tell what the percentages for women were exactly, but I’d guess from the info that more American women are fat. So ultimately, this blogger is right.
Another little added note for ya, Germans appear to be among the worst in Europe for this type of stuff.
I also find the “Germans rule Hitler sucks” comment extremely funny, as while Hitler was in fact a dick, a huge part of Mein Kampf, and his whole goals, was him wanting Germans to take pride in themselves again, and topple the “Napoleonic” regimes of the day, which I guess he did, lol.
May 6th, 2007 at 10:19 am
just ı wanna say that ; germany better than usa almost about everything .german girls are really nicer than many countries girls, and bavarians are not fat,my girlfriend from bavarian she is 170cm and 63kg she is swimmer and not fat cuz ı dont like fat girls and dont worry for my eyes they are very good :D ım from turkey and my english too bad so dont write me :D
May 7th, 2007 at 4:43 am
this blog is completly rediculouse , german girls (being one myself) are beautiful . havent you watched beer fest ?
Now , after that being said , i think you should not judge a whole race on one apperence. This blog is judgemental,in every way shape and form. Germans eat healthier than most women and girls and men in the USA . Not dissing anyone from the US but , fast food is growing rapidly in the united states and in germany home cooked healthy meals are served more at the dinner table than in america. On the other hand , there are over wait citizes everywhere you go , all over the world , this blog is based on racism and to say this your just a complete idiot.
May 15th, 2007 at 11:59 pm
Well, well: how anyone can propegate the lie that German women are fat I don’t know. I have had three German girlfriends over the years. They have been all very fit and healthy. They are basically my ideal. When I compare them to what I see in the US or the UK, I cry. Give me a German girl any day over the yappy, obese, crass, tacky hoes that most women are in the UK/US.
May 17th, 2007 at 4:52 pm
May 22nd, 2007 at 9:01 pm
Some quick comments from an American. I live in NYC and I like to comment on American women. White suburban American women are the dumbest and racist lot you will ever find, and are most likely to become stupid fat house wives. There are many great American women, but you find them in American cities, not the heart of our country.
Further, the attitude of our women of color is far better. Black, Latina, and Asian women are usually far superior in their attitude…
In NYC at least, men are usually looking for European girls continually because of the vulgarity and obesity of our women.
June 5th, 2007 at 9:39 pm
Excuse me!! Bavarian girls fat? Excuse me but I am not fat, I weight 110 and I’m 15 and I have many friends and relatives in Bavaria and we are certainly not fat!
Oh and PS we’re not rude and mean either, ok? Stop making stereotypes, there are people like that all over the world.
June 7th, 2007 at 11:46 pm
Hey compatriot.
A blog against prejudices, built on nothing but prejudices. Wow.
Anyway, some Germans refuse to believe and spread every prejudice they hear.
I bet you’ve never been outside Wanne Eickel or whatever your hometown is.
Wilhelm D.
P.S.: Your English sucks even more than mine.
June 7th, 2007 at 11:56 pm
Oh, and “Fred”:
“Black, Latina, and Asian women are usually far superior in their attitude…”
Do you know what YOUR attitude is called? It’s called “reverse racism” and is in fact classic racism.
Not that i really care about what you think, it might just be offending some people, as well as classic racism does.
Same for this Saxony guy who claimed that all Bavarian girls are fat - the wall’s open so maybe one day you could go to Bavaria (if you don’t work there yet as a construction worker) and dream of having a date with one of these nice Bavarian girls…
June 13th, 2007 at 1:52 pm
Guys guys…he’s taking the piss out with this blog and you all take it SOOO seriously.
The point it people from other countries always look at another and say “oh man they are all fatties over there”
I have a German girlfriend who would tell me that all the time before she came to the States. When she came her biggest complaint was that everyone in Califonia was super obsessed with being healthy.
Neither is true or false it’s just what happens when people take a sample of 5 people and judge entire countries of 90 MIllion+ people. You will always end up losing.
I’ve only met loving and brilliant German girls but I’m not naive enough to believe that they are all like that. It’s all people’s personal experiences.
June 14th, 2007 at 6:19 pm
Wow, so someone photoshopped a couple flags and a couple images of food onto a pic of a skinny chick and a fat one.
Doesn’t prove anything.
June 28th, 2007 at 6:13 am
I was agreeing with you and on your side for the first part. I’ve met many German girls, some are overweight, but not all. Most arent. And while I was agreeing with you about how the prejudice is wrong, you started two more-American girls and South German girls. I live in America, and yes, some people are fat. BUT not everyone is, most people aren’t. Like every country, we have some over wieght people. And also, I met a lot of people from South Germany, Bavaria, and not all are fat. So while you were fighting one stereotype, you supported 2 more. That’s not the way to fight prejudism.
July 7th, 2007 at 4:45 am
WHAT?!? This is the stupidest thing i have ever heard of in my life!
My Great grandmother was from Germany! she was a twig!
some people have weight problems in all countrys, yes, but saying that german girls are ALL fat is stupid.
i am canadian, but my family immigrated to Saskatoon from Low-Germany.
Im a just a Kid, 200 Pounds, but im not Directly From germany. and im not all fat. this proves that People in the states, and canada, are equal to the people In Germany. Adding to the topic that it’s a fact that there are more fast food chains in America and Canada(mostly the U.S.) sutch as Mcdonalds, Burger King, and Wendys. but this doesent mean we dont have healthy choices like Subway. but im sure if some of you people who think german girls are fat acctually WENT to germany, you would find the german girls are actually quite attractive, regardless of Weight.
But i am sure that there are more people therfore More people(and i say people, not Celeberatys and Musicians) to be Fattened in the U.S. And canada, then in Germany.
Ich stehe für Sie, Deutschland in die Höhe,
Auf Wiedersehen
August 5th, 2007 at 8:06 am
What is there to tell about a german woman she is a required for all men and if she was to disreguard a thing it would be another woman thinking of her.
i hope i dont upset other women by saying i love her. she is not at disgust at what i do.
August 23rd, 2007 at 8:46 pm
I’m a Canadian and I agree with the comment of removing obesity makes a more beautiful nation, I mean Germany had Hitler and he only left a small dent in history though his message was (Minus the killing jews): If we unite health-wise we can have a nation that countries would strive to be like. Though baack to my point when I go for walks I see more obese people then I do thin (and if you do the statistics USA as well though I am yet to go there) and that reflects a bad mark on the nation’s image. I do hope that one day someone takes a stand and stamps out obesity/overweight with a iron fist, I am hoping and praying for a thin nation once more.
December 26th, 2007 at 2:29 am
I don’t really know why you need to shoot down Americans with this post. The subject at hand is whether German woman are fat, not any other nationality. At any rate, I’ve lived in Germany for many years now. My opinion is that generally, German woman are not fat, and neither are most other Europeans. German woman, however, have completely flat asses, which is constantly disappointing. But, that’s another subject for another forum.
February 3rd, 2008 at 9:21 pm
Wow the american girl is way hotter then that skinny ass german bitch =(
February 3rd, 2008 at 9:24 pm
Im very contradictory to your opinions kieth i think all skinny girls should be banned =P like a law made to to where girls cant weigh less then like 150 or something expecially not allowed to wear small clothes… skinny girls just dont have the body for it and if you aint got the curves to wear sexy clothes dont be an eyesore
April 4th, 2008 at 1:43 am
almost all germans are beautiful. the german men i have seen have been quite fit and i have yet to see a fat young german woman
April 20th, 2008 at 6:03 am
I’m American, and yes, we have a lot of overweight people. So does Germany. I think it is the diet. Of all the places I have visited in Europe, Germans were the heftiest by far. But the food was really good, which may explain the weight.
July 17th, 2008 at 9:21 am
For me, Asian people, It’s not easy to identify which one is German or not. All Kaukasian race people are seem same. Fat is fat, slim is slim. Fat is not good, slim is beautiful. Why do you wasting time in unnecessary discussion ?. I love both slim German or native American woman. And I have obsession of them.
July 30th, 2008 at 6:53 pm
Wow, as an american girl I am very offended by this, because guess what? There are larger people on both sides of the ocean. I have been to Germany and I saw quite a few over weight girls there too. I am not fat and I am offended by this. Ever think it might just be genetics? There are so many variables other than where you live!
August 7th, 2008 at 7:41 am
I’m so sorry libble for unintended offending you. I will always love you even possibly you will become fat, old and bad looking. The thing you have to blame is this damn website that I, unfortunately, like it. Get fun baby,meet me someday and let’s take more
useful discussion other than this.
August 9th, 2008 at 11:30 pm
I think many stereotypes of Americans are either not true, or true just in recent times. However one stereotype of Americans, which is true, is that, EVEN NOW, there’s the American perception of “fat German women,” “fat French women,” “fat Italian women,” “fat Polish women,” and “fat Russian woman.” I could say that I’m sorry for the misinformed, but what good would it do.. Even beyond being untrue, it’s now far more true of us.
August 15th, 2008 at 8:13 pm
Interesting topic. I think the website owner is the culprit here. I have “never” heard in the 51 years on this planet that German women were fat. I should know because I married a German woman from Hambburg. She is very fine indeed and boys of 25 still hit on her. She finds that amuzing. So all of you warriors maybe ought to stop and think. “Could be the website owner has their head up their you know what and is just trying to start a word war.” I would say that German women are more aggressive than most and that is all I will say about attributes. But to post a picture like this is only about control and well by the posts most of you have been duped.
September 9th, 2008 at 8:59 pm
I rarely see REALLY fat people here in Germany. Of course some people have too much weight on their hips - mostly older ones, but FAT people are rather seldom.
Most young German girls are skinny. Some are almost anorexic.
Im not overweight either… and live in Bavaria btw. ;)
March 19th, 2009 at 3:17 pm
Americans have always been one of the less cultivated people on the planet. Add to that their Loneliness, lack of social circuits means for a lot of already stupid de-culturised “race-of-braves-and-frees” , that LIFE and LOVE comes in eating!
So they eat there fat lives away till in fatstruck the heartpump gives up and they die in their own fatty brainlessness.
Hi for UK. Strive!
March 28th, 2009 at 6:43 pm
I’m American………….I left a pause so people can curse me lol I can tell you for sure that there are a LOT of overweight people in the USA.I never have been to Deutschland but someday I will go.I hear that the German women are more beautiful than the American women and I would not doubt it a bit! I can assure you though that there are a LOT of fat people in the USA though because a lot of people are lazy and eat too much crap food.Nothing good like bratwurst,sauerkraut,and good lager, just McDonald’s and crap beer.
June 14th, 2009 at 12:54 am
July 31st, 2009 at 9:57 am
While not all Germans are fat, there was a health article that reported over 50 percent of German women are over weight and an ever higher figure of German men are overweight. Apparently, Germany is the fattest European country. Not all German women are fat. not all American women are fat. There are fat people everywhere, no matter what.
July 31st, 2009 at 10:08 am
Oh and by the way, a lot of you guys are fat in Germany. Stop trying to pass the buck to Americans. Too much beer and sausage doth a fat girl make! Don’t start dogging on Americans just because your country is fat too
August 5th, 2009 at 10:50 am
Ignorance is bliss…
I don’t care if you are from the USA, Germany, or Timbuktu…there are fat people in your society. There is a different culture between the US and Germany that helps to cultivate a certain body style, but it does not make all of the women fat or skinny.
Look at the difference between a “Typical” American breakfast (Two eggs, toast, and bacon) to a “Typical” Germany breakfast (A croissant and coffee). Or the difference in the dinners!
In fact the big meal of the “typical” German family is lunch; while the American family tends to have a big dinner.
Top this all off with the differences in exercise regiments.
American like to drive to the gym…the typical German family walks to the market, bikes to work, and then goes for a family hike on Sunday. It is not unusual to see a 70 to 80 year old on a bike or the entire family outside on the hiking trail.
August 21st, 2009 at 3:48 am
I have to say I personally think Most Germans are Hot..My family came from Switzerland and most of the men there are also hot. lol..I’m a blonde haired blue eyed female born in America..I dont have a weight problem at all and yes there are hot and not so hot people in the country and I blame fast food restaurants for the main reason for the overweight people in the states problems.. I am partial to blonde German men so its very difficult for some average looking American guy to catch my attention. lol, but in all fairness there are a lot of hot Americans too.
September 10th, 2009 at 1:25 am
Ich will nur etwas kleines dazu sagen. Ich wohnte halb meines Lebens in Deutschland und halb meines Lebens in den USA. Alles, was Sie sagen, ist Quatsch. Vllt sind Sie selber dick, deswegen muessen Sie etwas sagen, damit Sie sich besser fuehlen koennen.
September 20th, 2009 at 12:11 am
Halt maul! You prussians are just the same.
October 20th, 2009 at 7:07 pm
sorry guys(those who love american girls)…i’ve only got one question:who is the most beautiful celebrity in US?as every one knowsANGELINA JOLIE.?only one person.only one..but take a look at german actress.i’ve been to the most of europe and i tell ya what countries has the most beautiful girls:1-germans2-romania3-england4-russia…………..but from theae i prefer GERMAN GIRLS…spectacular.i really wanna have a german gerlfriend but yet i don’t
October 24th, 2009 at 7:33 am
Wow… Just think of this, when we all get old were all going to get some chub, just some sooner than others and well in rural Oklahoma where Im from most are a wee bit big on the edgesbut this is not just in specific countries or regions well I lied its happng in almost all countries that has a Mc Donalds. Germans that iv met are rough to talk to at first but once they get passd the fact your not some kind of enemy they are very nice…
November 1st, 2009 at 12:45 am
Wtf? I’m so pissed right now! Is that the only thing you damn germans think when speaking of americans? All of you are so shallow! You fucks talk shit about an issue that all nations struggle with,yours also! Name another struggle of germans? Bitches! Americans rule!
November 16th, 2009 at 10:40 pm
Online dating is just as safe or unsafe as any other dating. You have to be careful. You really don’t know if that person you are talking too is who they say they are.
I met my husband from online. We met 2 days after we first talked on the internet. He only lived 30mins from me. I was lucky he wasn’t some crazy person.
However I have talked to people online for over a year and later learn they weren’t who they said they were. I was chatting with who I thought was a female and we exchange alot of pictures. Turns out, it was a guy who was pretending to be a female.
November 17th, 2009 at 11:43 pm
I have met Russian cam girl online, a month ago. We were (are) exchanging mails for some time and suddenly she says that she wants to meet me and also says that she is ready to fly all the way from Russia to India. I don’t know what to do. First I want to know that she really exist or not. Can anyone help me with this ?
January 21st, 2010 at 9:09 am
hey for GOD’S sake …. do nt be like this…. human are all alike….. plz plz plz …. do nt try to divide them…….
March 31st, 2010 at 10:16 pm
I was in USA holiday and i live in germany (not in bavaria) and i must say here in germany are the peoples much thiner not so many are fat here.
And i must say here in germany are alot pretty girls,but actually alot say this that here are pretty girls.
So the most here are not 100% german,maybe only some old womens.
Actually every german person here is mix with some slaws,i think they look very ok here,maybe some german girls use to much make up :D
And yes,there came a man from bavaria to my town and he said here in my town they look more arrogant and stylish and in bavaria there are more girls with owerwight :D
But…dont know,maybe they drink more beer ;)
April 9th, 2010 at 1:35 am
As a rural American I can say that in my area we Americans are fat. Fast food is just part of the problem. Another BIG problem is having to drive/commute to and from work and then eating processed foods or fast foods because they are quicker and easier than healthy foods. Our small size is Europe’s large size so we are eating much more “crap” foods than other countries.
I have to drive 46 miles round trip every day so convenience gives me more time with my family… I’m just saying.
By the way: many more people love Sandra Bullock more than Angelina Jolie
April 29th, 2010 at 9:25 am
As a GENERAL observation..One big difference between Americans and Germans is that the Germans dress much better and are generally slimmer than Americans. They are also better informed about the rest of the world while the US is a lot more insular.
Yes there are exceptions, but unless you are in Germany frequently and are a good social observer,you will in fact notice this right away!
May 3rd, 2010 at 12:39 pm
Na und?! Da sind wir Deutschen ANGEBLICH alle fett. Dafür sind die Amerikaner dumm wie Brot!!
June 18th, 2010 at 10:50 pm
@ pasha
Humans are all alike? what kind of ridiculous non-sense is this?
June 19th, 2010 at 12:40 am
American…that’s me, of German decent I might add. I think this is a un-win-able subject that easily lends an outlet for people to express their inner frustrations with other races and genders. There are more fat people in the “world” in general now then in the past, in nearly every country. There are also beautiful people in every culture, inside and out. One thing I think people from other countries tend to forget about the USA, is the overwhelming size of our country and population numbers and group us all as one thing or another. True there are closed minded people here, racists, reverse racists, fat, skinny, stuck up and stupid…but there are many Americans, like myself, who are regular(healthy) people interested in visiting other cultures and altering our minds to accept what is unknown to us and because of the sterotype that we are dumb, selfish Amercans we are hated before being met so by the time we actually do say hello, bon jour, hola’…etc, we find ourselves justifing or apologizing. I think the negitive pissing contest displayed on this post regarding “who is best” represents the ugliest side of us ALL. So next time you meet a “foreigner”, be open to letting them surprise you verses disapoint. You just might enjoy each others company.
July 9th, 2010 at 12:45 am
yeah you got to admit this American fat stereotype is really funny
July 15th, 2010 at 3:11 pm
Prejudices or not. The photo is funny:)
July 20th, 2010 at 7:16 am
Russian woman best, ROSSIYA!!!!!
July 29th, 2010 at 4:01 am
What is this bullshit! lol theres a range of people in all places theres fat and skinny people but people saying germans are all fat that is the biggest nonsence ive ever heard seriously some people have to grow german and skinny and i think my friends and i a real hot haha and theres many beautiful girls here in germany so shut the fuck up people..wir mussen uns doch nich so ein blodsin anhoren mahl echt man es gibt mansche leute auf der welt die haben uberhaubt kein gribs ihn gibt uberall auf der welt dicke und dune madchen genau so wie jungs aber die solln nicht behaupten das wir deutsche madchen alle dick sind! Deutschland :) hahaha russians are slags
July 31st, 2010 at 11:45 am
this is absolutely bullshit!!
u will never find a country without fat or skinny people……
August 15th, 2010 at 7:10 pm
Okay guys, I’ve lived in both countries and I have to say, “both” countries are getting fatter! It’s just the USA leads and most countries follow, so the US is just 10 years ahead of Germany in obesity rates!
Second point, is that Germans “do not” eat better than Americans! In fact, they consume more fatty foods than we do! I see more Americans eating healthier. Germany has nearly as many Mcdonalds, Burger Kings, and even KFC as we do now and even their home based meals are based upon “pork” and french frieds (pommes) or potatos cooked in butter!! This is equal if not worse than eatting “Beef” and “french fries cooked in vegatable oil” at even Mcdonalds.
Where I see the fault with American food, is that we’re one of the few countries that feed and inject our cattle/pigs and even chicken with large amounts of steroids and growth hormones.. The byproducts of this makes people fat.. This is a big scam in our food industry and we should outlaw this in our country, just like the Europeans do!
August 17th, 2010 at 11:37 am
You need to get the analysis on a higher level than your subjective view guys.
The fact is that obesity reach 30,6% in US and 12,9% in Germany. So we know that there’s a 17,7% difference. However, obesity is one of the biggest challenges of public health in many western countries. So we conclude: US has higher percentage (of total population who have a BMI (body mass index) greater than 30 Kg/sq.meters) than Germany. Though, both countries struggle with the same problem. And it is increasing in both countries.
September 6th, 2010 at 1:24 pm
iranian girle best,
September 10th, 2010 at 6:03 pm
people are fat almost everywhere..people. i’m a 25 yr old german, i live in canada now, im not fat. 120lbs. my dads family was thick, not ‘fat’. my mom’s side, small, like i am. the average size in american women is 14. i.e. i’m a 3. thats pretty effin BIG. AMERICANS are the ones with weight issues…in my oppinion.
September 19th, 2010 at 8:08 pm
American, living in Germany. Schwimbadd, nothing but fat Germans. Stereotypes people! America is as fat as the rest of the world. People like to pick on Americans because they know we are the best. Sit in any airport in Europe an tell me it’s any different from JFK. American media, portraying the lies as usual. Looking around, 100% of my American family is fit. I run 4o miles a week and my wife is a personal trainer. America, fuck yeah.
October 4th, 2010 at 12:12 am
Hey you guys!
after reading all you guy’s responses.. it just made me think that this is all nonsense!
Don’t you guys get the picture?!
It is just a funny picture, it might not be true, who knows. You guys should stop arguing about it. You guys have to admit it is funny and that is all whats to it people.
PS: fat people are all over! it could have been picture with spain and england or whatever too!!
November 4th, 2010 at 8:19 am
Well…. I just don’t like Americans since I worked with them. If you don’t smile all the time they say you are rude, so you should have a fake smile on your face and ask everybody everyday “HI ! How are you? OH..that’s great!” But in fact nobody cares how you are, so why should you loose 3 minutes from your life every day? They are smiling to each-other and then are going to talk shit behind their back.If you have to say something, you should say it to the person in cause ! ! In fact their lifestyle is as fake as the food they eat. Due to these they aren’t so efficient at work. The ones who performed well were those from Boston area and also they were well educated. Miami or Wyoming?? they are a joke. If an Amerikan tries to make fun about your English language skills just ask him/her what is the Present Continuous form of the verb “to think”, they have no idea about the English grammar however the English is the only language what the vast majority speaks.
Oh my dearest Germany… 2 more months and I’ll be home ! !
November 5th, 2010 at 12:51 am
American and German. Proud of both, but I have to say, you people are fucking idiots. You know whats wrong with Europe? A LOT are worried about fashion and looks. Americans are carefree, down-to-Earth individuals. Stop listening to the media, they lie! AND we have different body types anyway, Europeans are generally taller then Americans, and petite (see? different genetics). It’s easier for us to gain weight. Your just a bunch of superficial bigots who need to sit back and realize…where would the world be had America not become a free nation? You definately wouldn’t be sitting on the computer, nonetheless the INTERNET had we not, since it is an American invention. As we say here in the states; “Don’t hate, appreciate.” Something else thats funny, is a lot of caucasions are from German race…sooo, yeah. Also where the hell did you hear we called German’s fat? The only stereotypes I hear, is that Brits have bad teeth (which, as everyone knows, is mainly true) and that Asians can’t drive.
The bottom line is this: Unless you’ve been here and travled through every damn city, and state you DO NOT know ANYTHING about us other than what you see and hear on the tv, don’t even pretend to know what goes on here because. you. dont. Spend a day and our shoes, maybe, just maybe, you’ll lose that legendary European conciededness when you realize not everyone is worried about how they appear.
November 5th, 2010 at 6:02 am
I was in Germany and Switzerland not long ago. All I saw were fat women. Glad to be back in America because if the women were not fat in Germany they were just plain ugly and manly looking.
November 6th, 2010 at 12:39 am
I lived in Germany in the 80’s and loved it and noticed German women were not fat like the girl above said, they get their carbs mostly in the morning, smaller portions and get exercise during their daily routine like our grandparents did. One sees the same phenomenom in places like NYC where most people walk or use public transport. In West Virginia where I live the women are fat and ugly. Ami’s will drive a block to the store rather than walk. go figure!
November 7th, 2010 at 3:31 pm
Could you guys please stop to compare women with other nationality ?! Maybe there are fat women in Germany, or in america. But what do you prefer.. Good bodies and ugly faces, or corpulent bodies and beautiful faces.
I would prefer the beautiful faces, because when you are fat you can lose weight. When you are ugly, what do you do? I think the German and the American women are the most beautiful in the world. That’s my opinion!
Don’t you got hobbies or why are you talking about some uninteresting things.. ?
November 25th, 2010 at 4:14 am
listen everyone around the world, i’m from the united states. but you need to be aware of some people that they can’t take the obese off of them. Doesn’t mean you need to be mean to them. just be kind and help them.they have feelings you know!!!!! Oh, by the way, my family ancestory is from mostly German on my mom’s side and Scottish on my father’s side.
December 18th, 2010 at 4:15 pm
Haha! In orginal photo there was France flag not German… FAIL! German girls are ugly.
January 15th, 2011 at 6:47 pm
damn jelaous just because usa is the best country in the world and usa beat germany 2 or more times !!
March 5th, 2011 at 12:58 am
Damn Bullshit!!!!.
Every human being is handsome/beautiful. The problem is with your eyes. If one’s perspective is good, then everything turns handsome/beautiful for him/her, no matter US or German or whatever!!!
March 10th, 2011 at 3:36 am
am looking for a fat women any around the world who serious for relationship or anyone who knows one a least can contact me okay
April 14th, 2011 at 2:36 am
Add me please
April 20th, 2011 at 6:58 am
So this dumb ass takes a European women compared to a fat american. Lets do this but pick the ugliest German with rotten teeth and look like a man features compared to a attracting american women. BTW I think German women are the most beautiful in Europe and i mean the ones that don’t look like men. this is a prejudice comparison to say the least. There are fat people every where.. Merkel is fat lol
May 3rd, 2011 at 5:53 am
You say American girls are fat? Please, American women are some of the most image conscious people in the world. Some comments here say Americans are fat because of their diet on fast food, like hamburgers. Well, guess where hamburgers originated? (Hint: It’s Germany.)
May 29th, 2011 at 3:50 pm
That is so moronic I’m left speechless.
June 15th, 2011 at 9:13 am
R ur lifes soo pathdic that u make fun of the larger than life females narsastic assholes
June 27th, 2011 at 11:12 pm
Ok, i find this hilarious you are talking about how wrong being prejudice is while being prejudice to South Germany and America. Listen I’m FROM North Germany and I completely disagree with this if you have EVER been to america you know that most people aren’t fat just stand in the middle of one of their cities for 30 minutes you will se only about 5 sort of fat people. Listen I have adapted awareness and we have to face it America is getting ahead well, I hate to admit but they ARE ahead of us saying that everyone in their country is fat is just a use of defense because some people lack proper intelligence and decide that they’re jealous and that they will do this. Lets focus on trying to become more like america instead of saying their fat.
August 5th, 2011 at 10:25 pm
Okay well first of all aren’t many of you forgetting where alot of American blood comes from? MOST americans have Euro blood in their veins… so before you start calling americans fat remember we are all bothers and sisters. Why don’t some of you try going to an American university. Most students are not fat. Seriously, what is the point of trying to bring down a country? Are you in grade school? You are an insecure bully!
October 27th, 2011 at 2:16 pm
Yes, I agree they are very very fat and most of the time, they are not gorgeous like media wants to make us believe. The most beautiful girls are Chilean girls, look at Camila Vallejo. They have cute faces and they are thin.
November 30th, 2011 at 11:10 pm
Seriously guys overweight people are not indigenous to either county, although there may be a highr concentation here in America (New England/New york,not us southerners) both countries haveoverweight people, and i would be hard pressed to say that either country has better women. I mean you either have to pick between a Beer girl or Daisy May! hard descision right?
November 30th, 2011 at 11:12 pm
And you damn idiots from my own country i know America is awesome, but seriously quit being little hippie pieces of shit , i mean your obviously from up north but seriosly calling them out as bullies? Fucktards
November 30th, 2011 at 11:14 pm
no anon thats a stereotype you douchebag! french fries are not from france and hamburgers are not from germany!
December 10th, 2011 at 4:20 pm
Misbaviour is the result of misunderstanding and lack of life’s sunlight.
December 29th, 2011 at 9:11 pm
Whether they are Swedish, German, or British, most Northern European women have HORRENDOUS FLAT ASSES!
February 1st, 2012 at 12:56 pm
I am German, but I live in the United States. I am cursed with the “flat butt.” LOL!!! But it is ok, I still receive many compliments on it for I am skinny so it just seems small and cute. :) wink
February 3rd, 2012 at 5:32 pm
I’m from germany and i looove america, and i know this picture is not true (because every country has fat people ) but its … nice xD
April 1st, 2012 at 7:44 pm
haha i’ve been in both countries and i can tell you. americans are the fattest! both women and men!
July 21st, 2015 at 11:44 pm
i need a fat german lady
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