Mon 13 Feb 2006
Don’t be stupid - do not believe in any prejudice you have heard about german men. No, we do not wear Lederhosen all the time!
Maybe even the whole world may think, that german men like “Lederhosen”. There seem to be an image of this funny Hill-Billys with leather-trousers, drinking beer and singing funny songs. We do not know, where this common prejudice comes from. For sure german men do not look like this young man at the right side. And we do not like to wear them … mostly. There might be some situations, where they are very practical. Lederhosen are very strong clothers…
But there is a little bit of truth in those words about German men like Lederhosen. Maybe not the ones you are thinking of at first. But german men (except the ones from Cologne) have special things in mind, when they think about lederhosen …

February 14th, 2006 at 2:04 pm
I’m from south Germany, Bavaria, and I’ve to say: “Fritz you are right.”
Even in Bavaria, and we are invented the Lederhosen, we don’t wear Lederhosen all the time. But for special celebrations, like Oktoberfest, most of the Bavarians have there Lederhosen or Dirdl (the female, Bavarian traditional dress).
Even for our Bavarian girls there are really good looking Lederhosen.
for reference.
and “Pfiati”
February 14th, 2006 at 3:46 pm
To be honest, I like to look at asses in lederhosen. But only womens asses. When i see ass in leather i start thinking… erm… about balloons full of air. Dunno why… Maybe Zigmund Freid can give an answer…
Anyway if you see somewhere nice WOMAN in lederhosen please tell her that a guy in Belarus thinks it’s a wonderful invention - her ass in the lederhosen.
Happy Valentine’s Day To all!
July 20th, 2006 at 1:51 am
To be perfectly honest, i just enjoy saying the word lederhosen. I can say it over and over again and not get tired of it. Lets say it together: lederhosen! lederhosen! lederhosen!
October 6th, 2006 at 2:11 pm
I like your pictures of the men in leather trousers. Do you have anymore you can send me PLEASE, I want to print them and put them on my bedroom wall.
November 7th, 2006 at 3:18 pm
The men on your pic is not from Germany. He is born in Austria.
November 7th, 2006 at 3:28 pm
But he was called by himself and a big bunch of idiots as “Greatest German”.
But NoBeLe is correct: Looks like guys from Austria archive often High position in other countries … Germany has others (like chief of the Deutsche Bank) or even in US (Like “Chief of California”). Maybe it is because of the leather trousers?
March 24th, 2007 at 1:05 pm
Sure, not a lot of men wear lederhosen, but some do. I’ve spent time in very traditional parts of Germany, where it is not uncommon for men to wear lieder hosen. Mostly they wear them on Sundays, or for traditional calibrations. I was once picked up by a cab driver who was wearing lederhosen.
Also, I have never seen so many men and woman wearing leather pants than in Germany. Not lieder hosen, just black leather pants, as if they were a rock star or in a biker gang.
June 23rd, 2007 at 11:58 pm
do german girls like men from other races? I am brahmin from india and am interested in meeting a really nice german woman
March 21st, 2008 at 11:33 pm
German females do not like Indian men No.
January 1st, 2009 at 7:01 am
Hahaha, just that word ‘lederhosen’ is f***king funny. “Lederhosen” hehehe
January 8th, 2009 at 5:57 pm
I would like to see Lederhosen and Dirndl make a comeback in the modern world. That Austrian guy looks very fashionable-the essence of “cool”.
February 28th, 2009 at 3:22 pm
I disagree because ,lederhosen is very much worn ( not only in bavaria,austria,switzerland,sud tirol,slovenia; both by men&women the proof is last year we were in “kitzbuhel,tirol and i can assure you that we saw a lot of ,both men&women wearing “kurze-lederhosen&suspenders” and me and my wife bought ourselfs a pair each really they are so smashing to wear( nothing to do with the “trash crummy mode “of today!!!
July 21st, 2009 at 5:02 am
I figured Lederhosen were worn for traditional/ceremonial purposes (say like a party or something)
November 3rd, 2011 at 2:40 pm
Traveling Germany on 2011, one goal of this 2nd generation American was to seriously look at knee-length Lederhosen as a take-home link long family heritage.
Outside of Carnival in Munchen, only several Bavarian men were seen wearing them in public, as well as a man working a farm.
At Almenraush store in Munchen, daughter got a full dirndl and her father ourchased an excellent knee-length Lederhosen with braces (suspenders). Price was surprisingly low, quality high. Highest recommendation for the store.
And if you want them, for owning a pair of Lederhosen.
As a middle-ager, the ultra-tight look was not desirable. In retrospect, the Lederhosen are comfortable and fun, though in metro Chicago, not seen outside of Oktoberfests here and Milwauke, despite the large Germanic-heritage population.
September 18th, 2016 at 10:40 am
As being from “Alsace” in France but as a german speaking region here in France ,’ (along with Moselle)too !plus being on the border line with Germany ( Schwarzwald) Black Forest ,we sure do like and enjoy German -culture,and especially that germany has managed to keep it’s Traditions ,like the people wearing allways Lederhosen and dirndls ( even more theese days)!We sure like Lederhosen with the suspenders ,for men and women,and the very beuatiful Dirndls too ,with the dress,corsage and silk apron,wich once again worn by a lot of people!.By the way not only Germany wear this but also of course ,Austria-Sud Tirol ( northen italy and in Slovenia too,! ( for those who don’t know it !?)I as a married women everytime I buy myself a beuatiful 3 piece dirndl and also women’s Lederhosen with it’s matching suspenders in that thick and shinny leather ,wow! once you’ve got one on you you sure feel gret beleive me ,” ( so sexy),So readers if you go th either Germany,austria,sud titol or Slovenia don’t hesitate and bring yourselves ,( for all the Family a nice Lederhosen with the matching suspenders ! wich you can put on at home!