Wed 8 Feb 2006
Watching TV News in those days is no fun! I never have seen so many burning danish embassies in my whole life. And all because of some cartoons in an unknown danish newspaper. If they would have written a joke about Muslims, noone would have noticed, because noone understand danish language.
“No fun” is the reaction in arabic world. While in Europe noone would even have noticed a bad cartoon joke and all would have been forgotten within a day, thousands and thousands of people in many countries stand up for big manifestations. Well … not only manifestations, some of those people prooves, that “they” are able to burn danish flags, danish dolls and danish embassies. And if there are no danish ones, “they” burn something else, what seems to be from Northern Europe, Europe or at least somewhere else. Jihad against … - well, who knows? At least Jihad.
But who is “They”? I do not think, that so idiotic actions are from every Muslim in the world. “They” are not the muslim world. “They” are agressive Idiots. Some fanatic people, who just looked for a resaon to burn things from Denmark (or elsewhere)? Are “they” bored? Do “they” have nothing better to do? Do “they” want to raise a wall between the people on earth, a border between “them” and “us”.
As Germans “we” have a bloody historie with burning things - and people. In fact “we” have had some years in between to learn, that this was the wrongest way we could have gone. The only ones burning flags in Germany are Football Hooligans burning the symbols off the opposite teams - mostly when they have lost.
So what is conclusion? Lets tell the people, who think they need to burn things, houses - and people - that we do not respect someone doing it. Please stop to do this bullshit in “Name of God”. And do not tell, that such idiotic actions are done because the soul and the feelings of Muslim all over the world are harmed by that danish picture. We all know, that this is not true. And keep in mind: Noone burned a House of a Muslim, pissed against a house of God, noone said “We have to fight someone because he’s Muslim”.
I know many good people and never cared about which color they have or which God they pray to. The good people have a good heart - no matter where they are from. And YOU - You stupid idiots who play with fire - will NOT destroy this one and only truth: Quality of a human beeing has nothing to do with race, religion, sexual orientation or something else. You cannot raise prejudice against Muslim - only against stupidness.
But who will be able to make a cartoon out of this words?
February 16th, 2008 at 2:14 am
as far as I’m concerned they can take their mohammed and shove him where the sun don’t shine, have never encountered such an asinine religion in my life and I should go as far as to say it I’SN’T a religion at all, anyone who says death to all non-believers has a mental problem, I don’t care what people practice as long as they do not try to force their beliefs on someone else. killing daughters and abusing women, hacking off heads in the name of mohammed is just plain digusting. All the moderate muslims that live in our beautiful USA, should be out in the streets against the radicals, but they aren’t are they. When push comes to shove, take not muslims, you will NOT over run us.If you don’t like it go back where you came from, you live a free life here and I want it left free for the rest of us. I can’t figure out how you have enough time to pray 5 times a day!! don’t you have to work or does your idiotic employers let you have time off to do this,and the woman muslims want a enclosed place to exercise all there own!! and were suppose to put wash basins in public places where you can wash your feet, give me a break!!! When people from other cultures move to the USA, YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO BLEND INTO our society!! and become americans, not the other way around and like I said if you cannot do that and leave other people alone then get the hell out!!
July 18th, 2008 at 9:31 am
Muslims, Christians, Catholics, Buddhist , Atheist or whatever are stupid as far as have no sensitivity to others. Cartooning Prophet Muhammad is a stupidest thing as stupid as Muslims that burn everything that seems European or American for any reasons. To Clarise, when you move from USA to other cultures, YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BLEND INTO their society and become them. It’s fair, isn’t it ?
March 16th, 2011 at 2:49 am
Well, it would be unfair if anybody lump all the Muslims in one category. I’m an Arab Muslim myslef and totally do NOT mind publishing the so-called ‘offensive’ cartoons. I believe in freedom of speech and expression.
Radical Muslims burning these Danish embassies are actually delivering a very misleading idea about the Muslims as a nation, instead of presenting Islam in a civilised way.
Have to tell you that not all the Muslims are extremists. Based on my experience of living in different Islamic countries and meeting Muslims of diverse nationalities, we are mostly very MODERATE. The problem lies in the reluctance to ‘publicise’ the fair image of moderate minful Islam.
- You can find Muslims belonging to various sides of the political spectrum, just as any other religion, some are socialists, nationalistic, conservatives or liberals.
- With the exclusion of Saudi Arabia and other Arab Gulf states, most of the radical strict Muslims I know are from “non-Arab” Muslim countries e.g. Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc.
- More religiously relaxed climate of Islam can be found in Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. Still radical political and social groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood exist there also.
Bottom line: do not stereotype all Muslims. Open your eyes a little bit to reality and don’t be fooled with the deceiving media.